Small Biz Budgeting

Start Up Costs For A Business

by Dawn Fotopulos on November 7, 2012

Starting a new business is an exciting adventure, but you must properly plan your goals and expenses if you want to have a successful future. Start up costs for a business are typically divided into two main categories: One-time costs and recurring costs.

By figuring these numbers out, you can plan ahead for your business. Here are some main costs you should consider. 

1. Rent/Lease

This will be your major cost. You can, of course, avoid this expense if you operate from your home. However, as your business grows, you may find it necessary to find a separate location for your business. Once you find a location, you must also determine utility costs and add them into your monthly expenses. 

2. Initial Inventory

If you a starting a service, this cost should not be expensive. You may only have to pay for a few materials to help with your service. On the other hand, if you plan to operate a retail store or restaurant, you will need to invest in your beginning inventory. 

3. Advertising

Your business won't grow without advertising. Make sure you only pay for the advertising methods that will truly benefit you. Your first marketing techniques should include radio advertisement, adwords for Internet marketing, and local directory placement. Some great marketing methods, such as a listing, are free. 

4. Payroll

Determine how many employees you will need to help with your business and how much you will pay them. Don't forget to account for taxes. 

Keep these costs in mind, and you should have no problem with your future expenses. Proper planning is the key to success.








How to Invoice A Client. You’re Probably Not Doing This Stuff….

September 12, 2012 Small Biz Budgeting

Hi Friends, I just got an email from a colleague who was a little ruffled that she hasn’t gotten paid. From my standpoint, I don’t see a problem. She’s never sent an invoice. In my consulting world, if I didn’t generate an invoice, I never got paid. Here’s how to fix that..

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Financial Literacy Month!

April 20, 2012 Small Biz Budgeting

Did you know that April is financial literacy month? What is financial literacy? It’s the ability to interpret numbers and is the best defense against losing money. Reuters put together a little five question quiz to see if you know more than a high school senior about financial literacy.

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Small Business Tips: Year End Tax Preparation

January 7, 2012 Small Biz Budgeting

Small business tips on year-end tax preparation are designed to help you make sure you don’t miss any opportunities before the the New Year rolls in. Amidst all the hustle and bustle of holiday gift buying, family gatherings and parties, it is important to remember to plan for your year-end tax preparation. These small business [...]

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Small Business Help: What it Costs to Hire One Full Time Employee

October 30, 2011 Small Biz Budgeting

There’s an awful lot of talk lately about how high unemployment is in the U.S. One article on the Huffington Post recognized that if half of small business owners hired one person, unemployment in the US would be a scant 1%. That’s probably true. It’s encouraging to ponder. Let’s see how realistic it is. That [...]

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Small Business Healthcare: 4 Changes to Expect

August 22, 2011 Save Money

Is your small business still trying to decipher the recent healthcare legislation? Are you prepared for the changes that are already in place, or will be shortly? We’ve called in an expert: Rob Wilson, President of HR Outsourcing for Employco, to guide us through the small business healthcare reform. Thank you to Lisa Seidenberg of [...]

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Small Business Bookkeeping: Recording Revenues and Expenses

July 7, 2011 Small Biz Bookkeeping

Small business bookkeeping tips teach you how to set up all your accounts in a Chart of Accounts and maintain them so you are running the business and the business isn’t running you! In our previous article on setting up a Chart of Accounts, we gave you five simple steps to follow. Did you do [...]

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